Thursday, June 14, 2007

guess who this kid is

points on who ever can guess who this guy is before next week

Monday, June 4, 2007

what am I?

If you look around you'll see that almost everywhere you go people are categorizing people into different groups, like skaters, nerds, jocks, and preps,(and of course emo) but the weird the weird thing is all of these things are created by influencers, like it didn't just happen that all of a sudden a bunch of people started skateboarding and called themselves skaters first someone decided to dress and act like a skater and then other followed until it became a major "category".

But what's funny about this is when you come to homeschoolers that don't hang out with the mainstream folks and they end up having there own style, partly formed from what they like and partly from what they see, and they become people that can fit into four or five different styles all at the same time, so I asked myself "what am I?" and basically I got that except I'm also a little hippie (which is weird how many homeschoolers are like that) but in a lot of things I'm the opposite of hippie, here's why.

reasons why I'm a hippie-

1st-it's funny, I really like the VW van(as you can probably see)
2nd-I am more and more liking older music(even though I still like my share of new stuff
3rd-I'm hoping to get a very "hippie-ish" guitar
4th-I have longer than most peoples hair
5th-I have a liking for all old stuff (like records and old cars)

looking at this I may seem like a regular hippie (if there is such thing) but there is a big reason why I wouldn't call myself 100% hippie, and the reason why is my beliefs pretty much, I do not think that we should end all wars because there is a time to fight, I do not think we need to hug trees like they do because I don't think global warming is really taking place, I'm a fan of some types of rap music(but only what's under the "Christian" label)

that's the weird thing about homeschoolers, they don't have a set style, but I just consider it an advantage.

I hope I haven't gone crazy!